Get to know me!!
Psychiatric Test Result:
"You are very, very artistically inclined. You love to spend time alone in your own space and get inspired creatively. You like to create new things. When something you use has been made by you, it makes you feel better about yourself than if you bought the item you could have easily created at home. You aren't a huge material person. Love and family are more important to you than material objects. You see things in an artist's manner. You also can be somewhat cluttered and unorganized at times... " I saw this Quiz/Test application on Facebook that says: "What career is right for you?" ..I got interested cause till now i'm still not quite sure what i really want to do in my life? Well hmmm..<-- that previous statement is wrong cause i have a lot of things i want to do in my life,and that makes me go crazy... I wanted to be an Artist like seriously making Arts but Fine Arts is a complicated course so then i wanted to be an environmentalist because I took up FORESTRY course on my first College while i'm there i got interested on making my own business cause i realize i don't want to be told what to do, i want to be the Boss of myself. Then currently i'm taking up Architectural Drafting, you know drawing and making House Plans.. i enjoyed it at first cause we're sketching and drawing and painting but when we get to the serious part of it like computing, scaling, converting measurements i realize this is not what i want and i HATE math!! . i'll be on my third year this coming school year so i guess no choice for me.*sigh* To make the confusion more confusing (?) Just recently i hooked up on SEWING, i spent my time sewing my own bag, i even get paid for my first bag cause my friend liked it and she bought it. I even set aside doing my school plates(house plans) for sewing and i don't know what to prioritize first...i wanna put up my own business and i'm so excited about it. I think i need to do it at the same time. oops Last summer i ask my mom to buy me a keyboard cause i feel like playing it cause i got inspired by Dresden Dolls so i learn to play it, well i learn to play like seven songs then i feel like playing keyboard is not really for me cause it took me a week for one song and i think i don't have the talent for it so...Believe it or not I even tried Telekinesis one summer and i believe that i moved the PSI Wheel( a paper fold used in telekinesis) but yeah it hurt my eyes soooo.... then i learn PenSpinning cause i think it's cool and it is indeed, i know how to do a couple of tricks. Lucid dreaming, i tried it too and it is cool, imagine controlling your dream?! At first i thought it is impossible but yeah i did it.!! ^^ "When something you use has been made by you, it makes you feel better about yourself than if you bought the item you could have easily created at home." I love customizing my own stuff like i screen paint my own shirt,Cutting my own hair, my sister's hair, my cousin's hair( i don't go to the Salon for my haircut cause i tried before and they just messed up my hair), sewing my own bag and reinvent stuffs i bought in the mall so no one will have the same thing i have, i want to be Unique..hmm..but being unique have CONS like being weird, some people call you like that especially my mom, she's confused about me cause one time i'm sewing then when she next saw me i'm sketching a portrait of someone, yeah right im kinda weird but who cares^^ "Love and family are more important to you than material objects. You see things in an artist's manner." This is really true, i could give everything for my family they are my life and i'm really thankful that they are my family, love them sooo much! ^^ And this is also true, i admit--> "You also can be somewhat cluttered and unorganized at times."
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